Archive for the ‘Catering’ Category




Working my way through a creative block was not really how I wanted to spend the first warm Saturday afternoon in April, but the work is what pays the bills these days. It is over 85F on my back deck, and I am grateful for the laptop computer that facilitates my working outside. With three menus pending, I am reaching high and low in my consciousness for delicious seasonal appetizers that don’t cost the customer their first born child and several body parts. Being between seasons here in Northern California does not help. I walked the aisles of the produce department for some inspiration and just can’t seem to find my way. All of the winter vegetables look tired and spent, save for the mountains of kale and greens in the organic section. It is too early for Mediterranean favorites like fava beans and baby artichokes, and the promising asparagus spears still seem to be hailing from points south of the border. Out here in the Adirondack chair, I surround myself with stacks of books and my visual journal, a large scrapbook full of collages formed from random images of food that I have torn or cut from the myriad of lifestyle magazines that litter the coffee table.
I have been trying to prepare these menus all week, and nothing seems to sound right. The items I have come up with either seem too contrived and fussy, or they seem mundane and repetitive. I recognize the symptoms of spring fever; that fuzzy, disjointed condition in my brain that tells me that a walk along the ocean bluffs is a better idea than preparing menus for clients. One of the parties will be in mid-May, the second is slated for August. The last menu is simply the two to three items I must serve this Thursday at a Chamber of Commerce showcase, intended to pique the interest of the wedding planners and winery hospitality managers that will be walking the aisles, selecting their favorite caterers for the season. For this event, I am torn between the “wow” factor of something precious and visually arresting, and the “mmmm” factor of comfort food taken to a new level. Last year, I served crab cakes and sausage roll puffs from the freezer, but this year, I have no such reserves. Complicating the situation even more is the fact that I have an olive oil demo scheduled for most of the same day as the showcase, so whatever I choose to prepare will have to be completed the day before.
My eyes keep coming back to a particular image, a platter of baby carrots with part of their tops still on, roasted in olive oil and middle-eastern spices. In pondering the impact of this image, I remember an episode of Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations” where he visited the Catalonian countryside. Thumbing through one of the cookbooks in the stack, I am rewarded by the recipe for spring onions, charred slowly on an open fire, and served with a robust and complex romesco sauce. The mental image of Bourdain eagerly slurping down these regional spring delights and licking the sauce from his fingers resonates at a deep level. I can picture the platter, my bright turquoise Mexican bubble glass, heaped with vibrant green spring onions, beautifully caramelized and blackened, and a large white bowl of the terra-cotta colored sauce for dipping. On another of the platter, I see a huge mound of the roasted baby carrots, again, perfectly browned and glistening, sweet and spicy at the same time, resting on a large pile of their raw green tops. A tentative theme of southern Mediterranean crudités begins to coalesce in my mind’s eye, and I see an edible tablescape of rustic breads and cheeses, tall green glasses filled with homemade grissini with flake salt and large platters of caramelized seasonal vegetables with colorful and flavorful dipping sauces. I can almost smell the fragrant spices and the unmistakable scent of slow cooked onions and peppers that would accompany such a display of pastoral abundance.
As I write, the tension begins to ease and my mind slips back into that receptive place where ideas flow freely. The block is broken, and an entire meal begins to emerge around this central theme. Not only have I developed the necessary appetizer menus, but I have expanded them to an entire farm dinner concept. I begin to mark recipes with paper clips, to be copied when I return to the office. Sometimes the slightest change of scenery or environment is all it takes to jump start the creative process. I am extremely grateful for my back deck and its exquisite views of the garden and the redwoods. The little dog stirs at my feet as the sun begins to brush to tops of the tallest trees and cast a shadow that will creep across to where I sit. Before long, it will be too cool to remain here, as it is still only April, but the promise of the warm sunshine transported me beyond the limitations of my imagination, at least for an afternoon.
Post by Julia Conway on April 4th, 2009

The Seasons as a Muse


It is my favorite time of the year again. The huckleberries hang heavy on the bushes that surround the redwood groves here on the first ridge above the ocean, and the wild blackberries tempt me from their thickets as I drive up and down my road. There is a particularly large patch that runs along the fence of the rodeo arena, belonging to no one in particular, but harvested by many. The berries are so plentiful; I can pick a quart in less than twenty minutes without even wading into the maze of brambles. Our Gravenstein apple trees have yielded up their bounty, at least those apples we have managed to save from the predatory teeth of the little dog; which has learned to stand on his hind legs to reach up and grab the unwary fruit.  Each afternoon I steal an hour or two of time to harvest the seasonal abundance. In the coming days, I will begin the process of preserving what I pick. Applesauce will simmer away on the back of the stove, and quart bags of berries will multiply in the chest freezer. Soon the rains will come, bringing the first flush of chanterelles and the elusive Gamboni (roughly translated, “legs”), the wild porcini mushrooms of the north coast. I found my first porcini last year, Boletus edulis, growing alongside the logging road that borders the southwest side of our land. It is said that once you develop the “mushroom eye” and are able to spot the treasures of the woods beneath the leaves of the low-hanging plants, you will forever be drawn to them. I found this to be true, as on the trip out along the very same road, I saw no mushrooms to speak of. However, in a quiet clearing in the misty woods, I came upon my first bolete. After that experience, as I walked back up the road, they appeared out of seemingly nowhere, everywhere I cast my eye.
The days grow shorter, and it is dark and starry outside at five when I first awaken. Even with the morning sun, the temperature remains in the high forties until sometime around eleven. Then it is warm enough to throw open the doors of the house to absorb every ray of that Indian summer sunlight. The shadows close in again around four, and the breeze turns cool once more. The garden is pumping out tomatoes and beans as if it knows that our time together is growing short. I pull up the arugula, which has bolted and gone to seed, and cut the last large head of red leaf lettuce. The Italian salad greens can continue to be cut as needed, and will sustain us through to the damp winter days where the ground will be too wet to support even their courageous perseverance. Tall spikes of artichokes and artichoke blossoms punctuate the far southern edge of the garden, more noticeable now that the fennel forest has folded its seed spires for the season. Next spring’s onions wave their deep green tendrils in the evening breeze. The chard begins to slow its inexorable production of crisp leaves and the pumpkin vines show blowsy blossoms that hint of fall treats to come.
I too begin a season of gathering in. Most of my big events of the summer and early fall are completed, and I start looking to the slower winter season ahead. I force my pulse to slow, and find that, without the ever-replicating to-do lists; I have time on my hand and can turn to pursuits of the home. There is this underlying urge to take the production kitchen apart at the seams and clean every nook and cranny. I hold off for the moment, however, as there are jams and cordials to me made, tomatoes to simmer into sauce, and a rainbow of Gypsy peppers to roast and freeze for the days when the colors of summer’s produce are absent. My sanity in the winter months is directly related to the hoard of summer produce that lines the shelves of my pantry and the depths of my freezer. No matter how much I love the sweet caramel of a roasted winter squash, the peppers and tomatoes of summer beckon with their sweet and sour nuances of sunshine past. I also begin to stock the freezer with braising cuts from my local meat producers; short ribs, pork shoulder, and the whole beef leg bones which will yield beef stock of incredible richness to baste an entire seasons’ meals. I have already made gallons of chicken stock from the multitude of carcasses saved from summers’ grill roasted birds. One of the last items that will go down into the freezer’s depths will be pesto. When my local farmer pulls up the last of the frost-kissed basil plants, I will puree them with pine nuts, Parmigiano Reggiano and our own olive oil, freezing stacks of half-pint containers of the bright green paste.
Last year, in a fit of anger after a large and ostentatious wedding left me with cases of figs and champagne grapes, I made over ten pounds each of fig preserves and grape chutney. The chutney, called mostardo d’uva in the Piedmont region of Italy, graces cheese plates even today. I am down to my last scrapings of the decadent fig preserves, and hoping to be able to purchase another case of figs this year. Prices are high, but I am hoping for an early frost that will drive the farmers to pick everything at once. The fact that the fruits are misshapen, bruised or frost-kissed makes no difference in the kettle. The recipe is surprisingly simple; cut the fruit into halves, and toss with an equal weight of sugar. When the juices exuded reach the top of the fruit, the entire bowl is dumped into the largest kettle, and a cup of fresh lemon juice is added. The mixture simmers away for up to five hours, or until it is thickened to the consistency of jam. With sterilized jars waiting, I spoon the painfully hot fruit into the jars, seal their rings, and hot process for twenty minutes. The final color is amazing, deep brown and yet golden, with small flecks of seeds. The taste is pure summer, and serves to encourage us through the cold and dark months ahead, with the promise of another summer to come.
Post by Julia Conway on September 24th, 2008